The Hilton Applefest Auto Show was founded in 1981 by John Heinrich. John was the founder of Heinrich Collision. John was also a car enthusiast, with a special interest in antique Rolls Royce's and Bentley's. The first show was held on the front lawn of the St. Paul Lutheran School on East Avenue. The Applefest, also in it's first year, was held across the street at Canning Street Square. There were approximately 35 cars that participated that first year!
Over the next 43 years, the show moved around to several different locations around town. For many years, the show took place at the Quest school on West Avenue. As the show grew, we moved on to the Merton Williams school grounds and then onto the Village Elementary school grounds, which is today's home for the show. The show even took place at the Parma Town Hall for one year!
Back in the 80's & 90's, the show consisted of around 15 classes and 200 - 300 participants. Recent shows consist of 32 classes, plus special awards and have been drawing 350 - 600 participants!
John's son George and his wife Janet still play a substantial roll in the organization of the show, carrying on the family tradition.