The Hilton Applefest Auto Show takes place every fall in conjunction with the Hilton Applefest. It is held on Saturday only, rain or shine. We typically have 300 - 600 entries each year. The number of attendees is very dependent on the weather. The nicer it is, the bigger our show gets. We highlight a special group of vehicles every year. (Mustang's, Camaro's, Truck's, etc)
Participants are judged by their peers. Upon registration, every participant receives a ballot to judge 4 predetermined classes. (we typically have approximately 32 classes) The predetermined classes change every year and we do our best to see that nobody votes for the same classes each year. Participants also do not vote in their own class. We feel that this is the most fair way to do participant judging.
One special thing about our show is our unique "apple plaques". The wooden apples have been a staple at our show since it's inception. We have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place plaques for all 32 classes, plus a couple of special awards.
Proceeds from our show are donated to local charities. We typically donate several thousand dollars each year. Some of those charities have included Mercy Flight, The Ronald McDonald House, Hilton Fire Department, Walker Fire Department, Hilton Food Shelf, The Cadet Cupboard, Aurora House, Hilton-Parma Recreation and Tenney Animal Shelter. (just to name a few) The past few years, we have concentrated our donations on the local Hilton community.
If you are a non-profit in the Hilton area, and would like to be considered in the future, please email us at info@hiltonapplefestautoshow.org.